Monday, April 1, 2013

Sea and Land Breezes

5th Graders found wind to be "easy breezy" today!

Winds are caused by uneven heating of the earth.

Uneven heating of the earth causes wind.

A Sea Breeze is created when the sun heats up the land more quickly than the ocean.  We have all experienced that the sand can be much warmer than the ocean on a hot day.  Ouch!

 When the land heats up, the air above the land air rises.  This makes space for the cool ocean air to rush in and take its place.  That is why the breeze blows towards you at the beach on a warm day.
Sea Breeze

The water still heats up, just not as quickly as the land.

A Land Breeze is created when the sun goes down.  At night, the land cools off quickly (the sand is cold) and the ocean hangs onto the heat it gathered during the day. 

The air above the ocean is warmer.  It rises and the cool air from the land rushes towards the ocean to take its place.  The breeze blows from the land to the ocean, the opposite direction!
Land Breeze
Today we learned about thermometers and experimented by putting sand and water in hot and cold zones.  We took the temperature after 20 minutes and saw that land heated up faster than water, but didn't hold its heat for long!  Water, on the other hand stayed closer to its original temperature.
The hot zone!

We learned to read thermometers measuring like scientists using Celsius!

You can even make your own thermometer!  Remembering that when something gets hot it expands, you can try this experiment from Energy Quest.

Don't forget to study!  Science Bee Qualifying Round is next week.  The top 5 from each class compete in the finals on April 15th after band.

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