Thursday, March 7, 2013

Science Night

Last Science Night of the Year Tonight!

Science Nights wrap up for the year at Park Village Elementary Kindergarteners attended the last science night of the year at Park Village. This year Park Village had the highest attendance yet with over 625 students experiencing hands on science. I have embedded an old clip showing one of our past science nights 
on the news.

 I would like to thank all of the volunteers who spent countless hours folding, cutting, counting gummy bears, drying cups, and keeping their table together before switching stations. They are the ones who truly make science night run smoothly. I would also like to thank the Park Village Elementary Foundation for the financial support it provides to make science night and science labs possible. Thank you also to the parents who take their time and energy to bring their children out after a long day and also who contribute to our Foundation. 

I want to take this opportunity to welcome Shannon Nellies. As you may know, this is my last year coordinating the science lab and nights at Park Village. Shannon has dedicated her time and energy this year to shadowing and helping the Park Village Lab and Grade Level Science Nights. She is an incredible teacher with endless enthusiasm about science. I am honored to pass the program on to such a competent and dedicated person. Shannon was a 6th grade teacher (where she was in charge of her grade level's science rotation) before becoming a mom. She has a kindergartener, 2nd grader, and 5th grader. I am confident your children will increase their knowledge and love science under her guidance.

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